martes, 3 de octubre de 2017



Pintura en acrílico sobre panel de cartón ilustración de 50 x 40 cm.

Hace ya 3 largas eras estudié en el “Viejo Libro de la Sabiduría” sobre el alma y aprendí que esta se encuentra comprendida de 3 parte; La primera es “Fe”, (verde). La segunda es “Razón”, (azul). La tercera es “Corazón”, (rojo). Las tres danzan entre si atraves de la existencia ilusoria que conocemos como vida, formando una triple helicoide lineal. Son aquello que da individualidad, lo que trasciende, creado pero inmortal, uno pero triple, reflejo de su creador.
Since 3 long eras ago I studied in the "Old Book of Wisdom" about the soul and learned that it is comprised of 3 parts; The first one is "Faith", (green). The second is "Reason," (blue). The third is "Heart" (red). The three dance among themselves through the illusory existence that we know as life, forming a triple linear helicoid. They are that which gives individuality, which transcends, created but immortal, one but triple, a reflection of its creator.

All artwork and text is copyright © 2014 Luis Gerardo Mendez Rock and cannot be reproduced whitout permission of the artist