sábado, 17 de agosto de 2013


Tapiz  /  Tapestry

Buenas tardes queridos amigos, como lo prometí, este es mi cuadro “Tapiz”, con todos los detalles.

Dedicado a todos aquellos que aman profunda e intensamente; Poetas, Músicos, Pintores y Escultores. Artistas cuya intensidad hace percibir el amor de una manera singular, vital y poderosa.
Good evening dear friends, as I promised, this is my painting "Tapestry", with all the details.

Dedicated to all those who love deeply and intensely; Poets, Musicians, Painters and Sculptors. Artists whose intensity makes them perceive love in a unique, vital and powerful way.

All artwork and text is copyright © 2014 Luis Gerardo Mendez Rock and cannot be reproduced whitout permission of the artist